Regular Sable Ferrets are the most common coats found on ferrets and they typically have a brown topcoat with a golden undercoat. This simple combination makes them some of the best-looking ferrets. Every single ferret has its own personality, but other than that they’re very similar to each other.
They are also known for their very dark mask around their eyes that offers them an even better look. And in this article, we’ll talk about what sets it apart from other ferrets and how to take care of it.
What do Regular Sable Ferrets Look Like?
Regular Sable Ferrets have a solid dark topcoat, which makes them the most common type of ferret. Their undercoat is usually golden or has a more creamy look. But there are also darker Regular Sable Ferrets that have a very dark undercoat.
The brown coat starts right above the nose and it keeps going to the shoulders. The dark mask is around the eyes and it also has a dark eyeliner. But between the eyes and the ears, there are another two strokes of cream or golden fur.
It’s natural to see the legs, back, and tail being of the same color. When it comes to the eyes, they can be black or brown, and the nose is also black. Their nose can also be pink with lots and lots of dark spots on its surface.
Grooming Ferret Coats – Brushing and Bathing
Many ferret owners compare ferrets to cats because they love grooming themselves just as much. You’ll be surprised by how clean a ferret can be and how much time it spends grooming itself each day. And if you are bothered by its natural musky smell, there are a few things you can do to keep it under control.
As you may already know, ferrets that haven’t yet been neutered smell a lot worse than neutered ferrets. And if you don’t like their smell but plan on breeding them, you need to know that they get a hundred times more disgusting during the breeding season. Breeding ferrets very rarely pays off.
This is why it’s highly recommended to do two surgeries after you get your ferret. The first one is to neuter it, and the second one is the get remove their anal glands, which release a lot of disgusting smells when the ferret is scared or anxious.
But even with these surgeries done, it still doesn’t mean that the smell is completely gone. Besides their anal glands, ferrets have other glands that release oils into the skin as well. This helps the fur to remain healthy and maintain its shiny gloss. This is the smell that you won’t be able to get rid of. All you can do is keep the ferret’s cage, litter box, bed, and toys clean at all times.
Now the question you might be asking yourself if “wouldn’t a bath get rid of all that smell?” and the answer is No! Bathing them actually accentuates the smell for a few days after each bath. And if you overdo it with the baths, it can become very dangerous for the ferret’s skin.
Frequent bathing will get rid of all those oils that produce the musky smell. But despite being an unpleasant smell for us, the ferrets desperately need those oils to maintain healthy skin. Without them, their skin will start to dry off and develop various skin issues.
The reason why the smell gets worse is that the glands overwork themselves while trying to make up for the lost oils. It’s highly recommended to never bathe your ferret more than once a month unless it keeps getting into trouble.
Ferrets have a shedding season like many other animals. This means you will have to pay more attention to their fur and start brushing them twice or thrice a week. Ferret or kitten brushes are a great option and combined with a few treats you might be able to keep them in place for a few minutes.
They have a lot of energy and staying in place for grooming is almost impossible for them, even with the best treats. This is why you’ll need to start with very quick sessions that happen every day or so, especially if it’s the shedding season or your ferret has long fur.
It’s recommended to remain consistent with the grooming sessions as this will help them get used to it and after a while, they might even enjoy it.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are Regular Sable Ferrets difficult to care for?
Regular Sable Ferrets are just as easy to take care of as any other type of ferret with a short coat.