Black Sable Ferrets can be considered rare as many breeders only consider a small portion of them being “true” Black Sable Ferrets. They are known to have black as the predominant color while the undercoat and face are much lighter.

You should get ready to pay anywhere between $75 and $250, depending on how “pure” they are and the breeder you choose to work with. Typically, the more experienced the breeder is, the more it’s going to cost. Besides their distinctive look, those ferrets are the same as the others.
What do Black Sable Ferrets Look Like?
Black Sable Ferrets are known to have a dark-colored guard and a black topcoat. The undercoat is usually golden brown but it can also be white. They also tend to have the eyes and the nose of the same color, which is a dark brown.
You will quickly recognize them by their Zorro-like mask that’s right above their nose and surround the eyes very well. However, those ferrets are known to be more common and fall under the cheaper side of the spectrum.
Experts claim that the best Black Sable Ferrets don’t have any warm tones, such as the gold and warm brown tones. The guard should be a dark ash and blackish brown that has no warm brown tones. The glossy black shine will also be noticeable.
To count as a “true” Black Sable Ferret, it has to have a white or cream undercoat, but never yellow or golden brown. And the nose is preferred to have an ash blackish-brown color, but the heavy speckled blackish or mottled brown is also acceptable.
Ferrets With Black Sable Mitts – What Makes Them Different?
Black Sable Ferrets that have white mitts belong to their own kind of category, which is called Black Sable Mitts Ferrets. They look absolutely the same as their simple counterparts, except their mitts are white or light creamy and some people prefer that.
The rest of their fur remains black or dark brown and the mask is a must to be categorized as a Black Sable Ferret of any kind. “True” Black Sable Ferrets and Black Sable Mitts Ferrets fall under the pricier side of the spectrum.
Grooming Ferret Coats – Brushing and Bathing
Grooming a ferret’s coat is not very difficult as all you have to do is brush it. The real problem is making the ferret stay in place long enough to brush it properly. You will have to get used to quick brushing sessions that should be done almost daily.
You might be able to bribe the little energetic pet with some favorite treats into staying still a bit longer. But generally, you’ll have to work fast and efficiently as they are not known for patience. Ferrets either sleep or turn your home upside down while playing. There’s no in-between with them.
Brushing is necessary as ferrets groom themselves all the time and they develop hairballs. Frequent brushing will prevent those hairballs, especially in the shedding season. A brush with short bristles that’s made for kittens is all you need to get the job done.
However, brushing might not be enough to prevent hairballs. This is why it’s highly recommended to give your ferret a hairball preventative now and then. It’s a malt-flavored gel that comes in a tube and ferrets see it as a treat.
This is generally all the work you need to do to have a clean and good-looking ferret. Keeping the cage and litter clean will also help the ferret smell better. But sometimes you just can’t do anything to get rid of that musky smell and you should be ready to get used to it if you want a pet ferret.
Bathing them doesn’t solve the problem, it can actually make it worse. The smell comes from the oil that keeps the skin and fur healthy. If you wash those oils away, the body starts producing a lot more to compensate as dry skin is a dangerous problem for ferrets.
This will cause the ferret to smell even worse for the next few days. All you can do is spay and neuter your ferrets and get used to the smell that remains. Bathing a ferret more than three times a year can be dangerous. Bathe it once every 4 months or only when he gets into something very dirty.
The bath can be a scary thing for some ferrets and might even start nipping in an attempt to escape. Be as calm as possible, patient, and extremely gentle. Use some toys to make the bath seem like playtime and don’t make any sudden moves. You might also have a ferret that loves bathing and having fun in the bathtub. It all depends on your luck.
Ferret shampoos have been around for a while now and you should be able to find them in most pet shops, especially the exotic ones. But if you can’t find any, use a shampoo made for kittens or a tearless shampoo made for babies.
The bathing location can be anywhere you find most convenient, including the bathtub, sink, basin, etc. Put a towel or rubber mat at the bottom and pour warm water in. If it’s warm to the touch, that’s all you need. Hold the ferret very well so you can gain its trust that nothing bad is going to happen.
Pour shampoo in your hands and start massaging the entire body slowly and gently. Stay away from the face as you will clean it right before drying with a damp towel. If the ferret gets some shampoo in the eyes, start rinsing with clean water. And if there’s any sign of a problem, take it immediately to the vet.
You might have to refill the sink up to 5-6 times with clean water to ensure all the shampoo has been washed out. Dry shampoo can cause irritation. After the bath, place some dry and clean towels either in the bathtub or in a big box and allow the ferret to dry itself there by burrowing.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are Black Sable ferrets rare?
Black Sable Ferrets are quite rare and definitely the most expensive types of ferrets. Their rarity and price tag depends on whether they are “true” Black Sable Ferrets or not.
What are the most common ferret coat colors?
The most common ferret coat colors are Sable and chocolate.