Angora Ferrets are the newest type of ferrets as they have only been around for about 25 years. They were first noted by a Swedish breeder. And when he sold his stock to a fur farm, the Angora that we know today was born. This makes them some of the rarest ferrets in the world.
Besides their very long fur, they don’t differ that much from regular domesticated ferrets. They are very adorable, loyal, and own a very athletic body. Don’t let their long and fluffy coat fool you, these beautiful creatures are escape artists.
In this article, we will talk about the Angora Ferrets and what you need to know before welcoming them into your home.
What do Angora Ferrets Look Like?
It’s a common misconception that Angora Ferrets don’t have an undercoat. This is because more often than that their undercoat just happens to be as long as the topcoat. On the other hand, short-haired ferrets have a much shorter undercoat which can be noticed when you making parting in the fur.
If you thought that you couldn’t love these friendly creatures more than you already do, just wait until you meet this giant ball of fur. However, you should keep in mind that it can take a few years for the coat of an Angora Ferret to reach its full potential.
Many breeders argue that a pure Angora Ferret must have its unique nose. This meaning having extra skin folds near the nostril or having fine hairs that grow on or in the folds of the nostril. Sadly, this makes breathing a little bit harder for the fluffy little creatures.
This is why many Angora Ferret breeders try their best to give those beautiful pets the nose of a typical ferret.
What Colors Can Angora Ferrets Have?
Angora Ferrets are only different than other ferrets because of the length of their coat. This means that you will be able to find an Angora Ferret that has any of the typical 8 ferret colors. Besides being expensive because of their long fur, their price will also rely on their color.
This means you can get Albino, Black, Black Sable, Champagne, Sable, Chocolate, Cinnamon, and Dark-Eyed White. You might have to pay a lot more for Black Sable, Cinnamon, and Chocolate Angora Ferrets. This is because the most popular color is white and black ferrets.
When it comes to Albino Angora Ferrets you should expect that their coat will slowly begin to get more and more yellow. This is mainly because of the skin oils they produce. You may also want to keep your ferrets inside if you’ve just mowed the lawn from their outdoor playground. This is because after a few hours of playtime you will find them completely green.
Types of Angora Ferrets by Fur Length
Angora Ferrets can have extremely long furs, but only when it comes to the pure breeds. Crossbreeding between Angora Ferrets and short-haired ferrets is also very common and their furs vary a lot. This means you can find ferrets with the Angora gene with various fur lengths, from short-haired to extremely fluffy coats.
The main difference between the Angora Ferret and the other ferrets is that typical ferrets have an obvious undercoat while the Angora Ferrets give the impression that they don’t even have their undercoat. This is simply because the undercoat on typical ferrets is simply not as long as the topcoat. On the other hand, Angora Ferret’s undercoat is just as long as the topcoat.
Another impressive thing about Angora Ferrets is that they always have a shorter coat during the summer. In the first few winters, their fur will continue to grow more and more. Your Angora Ferret might need to reach 4 or 5 years old for its coat to reach its full potential.
Full: Full Angora Ferrets are referred to the pure breeds. After that, you can divide them into several categories just depending on the length of their fur. A full Angora Ferret, simply known as the Angora Ferret is defined by the long and fluffy coat.
If your ferret gives you the impression that it doesn’t have an undercoat, it is more likely to be a pure Angora Ferret. And as mentioned before, those ferrets can exist in a quite wide range of color patterns. The more unique they look, the more expensive they will naturally be.
The most popular types of full Angora Ferrets are the ones with black coats or albinism. More than that, they are also the only ones that might have their unique “Angora Nose”. This means it has a few extra folds of skin close to the nostril, or some fine hair growing on or inside the folds of the nostril.
Semi: Semi Angora Ferrets are the next best thing after the pure Angora Ferrets. This means that they have a strong Angora gene, but they are not pure breeds. They will look a lot like the full Angora Ferret, but with shorter fur and there is almost no chance of them to get the “Angora Nose”.
The lack of the angora nose, actually makes them much healthier than their full counterparts. This is because they won’t have to deal with weirdly shaped noses that may impair their breeding, or even worse, their smell. Typically, those ferrets are 3/4 Angora Ferret, but their coat will not be anywhere near as long and fluffy.
Semi Angora Ferret can also come in a wide range of colors, including the widely known 8 typical ferret colors. This includes the Albino, Dark-Eyes White, Cinnamon, Chocolate, Sable, Black Sable, Champagne, and Black.
Half Angora: Half Angora Ferrets are known to be the ferrets that are half Angora and half typical ferret. This can happen if the breeder finds a healthy and compatible pair of a purebred Angora Ferret and a typical ferret. They also generally have black eyes unless they have the albinism gene as well.
he coat of a Half Angora Ferret is almost as long and fluffy as the Semi Angora Ferret and not as long or fluffy as the purebred Angora Ferret. You also won’t have to worry about getting the “Angora Nose”, as at this point is completely impossible for the pure ferret to inherit that dangerous treat.
Half Angora Ferrets will more than likely have albinism as well. This means you will have the attention to other types of potential health issues. But they are generally very healthy ferrets and they look as adorable as the purebred Angora Ferrets.
Part Angora: Part Angora Ferrets are the best options if you simply like your usual ferret to have a bit of a fluffier coat. Generally, they are actually hard to distinguish between the typical ferret unless you know what you are looking for. You will rarely see a Part Angora Ferret that has a fluffy and long coat.
You can spot a Part Angora Ferret if they have around 1/4 of the Angora gene. Typically, if they have anything that’s less than half Angora in its pedigree they are considered part Angora. They might look exactly like any of your other ferrets, except the fur on the back is slightly longer and maybe fluffier.
Those adorable ferrets can also be found in various coat colors and with various eye colors. They also tend to be the most affordable among the ferrets with the Angora gene.
Grooming Ferret Coats – Brushing and Bathing
The most surprising thing about the Angora Ferrets is that they are not even a little bit more difficult to groom than any other ferret. Their coats don’t tangle and don’t need frequent brushing. All you have to do is brush them properly once a week.
But since ferrets don’t like staying still for too long you will have to be quick with the brushing process. And if you are not done in a session you will have to give the ferret a break and attempt an hour later to finish the job.
Since Angora Ferrets have such long coats, the chances of your ferret developing a hairball are much higher. This means you will have to invest in a hairball preventative gel that you can give them regularly as a treat. The gel can be acquired from the vet or from your nearby exotic pet shop.
When it comes to the bathing process if it’s going to be an easy thing to do or not completely depends on whether he like water or not. Most ferrets do so you might bathe them without any problems. It’s very important to keep in mind that the first few bath experiences will decide how your ferret reacts to baths in the future.
It’s not recommended to bathe your ferret more than once every 3 to 4 months unless they get into something that shouldn’t have. Don’t be tempted to get rid of the musk smell by bathing the ferret as that smell is produced by the natural skin oils that make the ferret skin and coat healthy.
And if you give them a bath, their body will panic and think it has to produce even more oil to make up for the one you washed away. This will lead to an even stinkier ferret for the next few days after the bath.
During the bathing process, you can use a sink, bathtub, or even some kind of basin. The water should be slightly warm and never hot. It’s also ideal to use a towel or a rubber at the bottom of the bathtub to prevent the ferret from slipping.
You can find ferret shampoos almost anywhere but you can also use kitten shampoo or tearless baby shampoo. Just make sure it doesn’t get in the eyes and if it does wash it away with clean water over and over again. If after the bath you notice any eye irritation, take him to the vet immediately along with the shampoo you’ve used.
During the bath, massage the shampoo gently on the ferret’s body then rinse with a lot of water. You might have to change the water a few times until you get rid of all the shampoo. Dried shampoo on the fur can cause irritations.
For drier, you can use a towel or you can set some clear and dry towels in the bathtub and allow the ferret to dry itself. And if you have an anxious ferret that hates baths, attempt to use waterproof, ferret-safe toys to make it look like playtime.
Dietary Requirements
Angora Ferrets have absolutely no special dietary requirements. All you need to do is feed them like the rest of your ferrets. This means giving them chunks of chicken, beef, turkey, rabbit, and even small pink mice. If you don’t have ferret food around you can substitute it with kitten kibble or wet food but never adult cat food.
All ferrets are obligate carnivores, which means they can only eat meat. You should never feed them vegetables, fruits, not even fish. They might eat fish, but they are incapable of using the nutrients from it. More than that, they will start to stink even worse if you feed them fish or any other seafood.
Lifespan & Personality
Angora Ferret lives just as long as any other ferret, which means between 6 and 10 years. All ferrets have their own personalities and fact that they have longer fur doesn’t change that. Some ferrets are more independent while others love cuddling and spending more of the time with you.
Getting a loving and adorable ferret depends on your luck. However, the more time you spend with them, the more likely are they going to form a strong bond with you. Ferrets are also known to get extremely attached to the owners and if you abandon them they might die of loneliness.
Potential Health Issues
Angora is known to have respiratory problems because of their “Angora Nose”. Their weirdly shaped nose can cause them to breathe much harder. If they continue to be bred with this unique nose, they could be a lot more serious health problems on the way.
Since Angora ferrets are typically either black or white, the Albino Angora Ferrets also come with their potential health issues. This includes sensitivity to light, eye problems, possible deafness, skin problems, etc. The good news is that those ferrets are generally quite healthy if they have a typical ferret nose.
How to choose an Angora Ferret – Breeders & Prices
You should always stay away from breeders that don’t show you where the parents are kept and how the rest of the kits live. If the breeder suggests bringing the ferret to you, you should stay away from that breeder. A good breeder will have nothing to hide and will give you all the health information of the parents you need.
Angora Ferrets are extremely rare, which means you should prepare to empty your wallet just for one single ferret. The price can range anywhere from $100 to $300. It all depends on the health of the ferret and the breeder.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Are Angora ferrets rare?
Angora Ferrets are extremely rare as they have only been around for about 25 years.
Where can I buy an Angora ferret?
It’s highly recommended to get in touch with a reputable ferret keeper. You can find them through an exotic veterinarian, exotic pet store, and even on ferret public shows.