Ferrets are quickly becoming more and more popular as pets all over the world and it doesn’t take much to realize why. They can be very friendly, sweet, and extremely mischievous. They also come in lots and lots of colors and with even more color patterns.

One of the most popular types of ferret is the Siamese ferret. They’re not different than any other type of ferret in any way except its coat that makes it resemble a Siamese cat. These beautiful creatures are excellent pets and can brighten up your day within a few seconds.
What do Siamese Ferrets Look Like?
You can immediately tell which ferret is Siamese as they get their name because of their resemblance to the Siamese cat. They can also be just as mischievous as an energetic cat that loves searching every single corner of your house and get themselves in all kinds of funny situations.
Siamese ferrets are known for their darker brown “points”, hence why they’re also known as “color point” ferrets as well. Their feet and tail are completely covered in a dark brown color and their V-shaped mask is a very unique feature that sets them apart from other ferrets.
When it comes to their eyes, you should expect to find Siamese ferrets with dark brown or black eyes. They’re not very distinctive but they look adorable. A Siamese ferret will also always have either a pink or a beige nose.
These ferrets will also have a dark brown belly that matches their tail and feet. But they are only a sub-categorization of some of the main types of ferrets. This means that you should look for Sable, Chocolate, and Cinnamon ferrets that have a Siamese look.
There are eight main types of ferret coats such as Sable, Black, Cinnamon, Dark-Eyed White, Albino, Black Sable, and Champagne. When it comes to color pattern types, we have Blaze, Dalmatian, Heavy Silver, Mitts (Sable, Black Sable, Cinnamon, and Chocolate Mitts), Panda, Roan, Siamese, Solid, Standard Pattern, etc.
Grooming Ferret Coats – Brushing and Bathing
One thing that most ferret owners tend to complain about is the musky smell of their ferret. Some ferrets tend to have a lighter musky smell while others are completely unapproachable. One of the easiest ways to get rid of this smell is to neuter the ferrets. This will reduce the smell considerably, especially when it comes to males.
Before you’re tempted to bathe your ferret, let’s talk about why do they smell the way they do. This unpleasant smell comes from the sebaceous glands that are also widely dispersed all over the skin, which causes the fur to feel very greasy.
While males tend to have a much more pronounced odor, castration might not be enough to get rid of most of the musky scent. Ferrets also have anal sacs that are two little pockets that can be found beneath the skin on both sides of the anus. Those little sacs can produce a very musky odor during defecation.
During the defecation, those sacs release the scent only in small amounts. But when the ferret is frightened or very stressed out, the sacs can release the musky odor all at once. If your ferret has a strong musky odor, you should consider the removal of the anal sacs along with the castration.
After that, all you might have to do is maintain the ferret’s cage clean and they will keep smelling fresh all the time. But if you decide to bathe him, you should expect to deal with a much stronger musky scent the first two or three days after the bath. This is because the oil glands will try to get all that oil you just washed away back.
Teach your ferret about baths from a very early age and start playing with him in the bathtub. Place a towel at the bottom and add slightly warm water and lots and lots of toys. This is the easiest way to make your ferret actually love the bath and see it as a playdate he’s looking forward to.
Ear mites are very common in pet ferrets so you should make sure that their ears are properly cleaned and taken care of. You should also avoid shampooing their face during the bath. After everything is done, you can take a wet towel and gently wipe them until they’re clean.
Making the bath seem like playtime is much easier than making the ferret stay still while you’re brushing him. You shouldn’t even attempt to make them stay still for an hour when they can barely stay in one place for a minute. It’s important to learn to brush them fast and often.
Getting their favorite treats will help a lot but not for long. You can find ferret coat brushes in any exotic pet store but if that’s not an option, a brush that’s made for cats is just as good. Get your ferret used to a few grooming sessions a week so you can get their whole body done.
Sadly, skipping brushing is not a good idea as they tend to clean themselves all the time, which will make them deal with hairballs. You should brush more often during the shedding season and pay attention to whether they develop hairballs or not. There are various preventatives available for your pet.
Regular grooming is not hard to do and it can pay a very important role in maintaining a healthy and fresh-smelling coat. You should also never place a freshly-groomed ferret back in its dirty cage as you will undo all your hard work in a matter of hours.
After a few thorough grooming sessions, your ferret should be used to it and he will stop protesting so much. If you notice anything out of the ordinary while grooming the ferret, you should take him to the vet just to be sure.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the most common types of ferret coats?
The main eight ferret coats are Sable, Black, Cinnamon, Dark-Eyed White, Albino, Black Sable, and Champagne.
Are Siamese Ferrets difficult to care for?
Siamese Ferrets are quite easy to groom as long as you have the patience to get them used to their grooming routine.