What Do Ferrets Eat In The Wild

Ferrets thrive on whole prey in the wild as they are obligate carnivores. This is also why many ferret owners choose to keep their pets on a raw diet, for which their body was build in the first place. This includes whole mice, chicks, small birds, etc. In this article, we’ll talk about the diet … Read more

Types of Wild Ferrets

Mustelids are a family of strictly carnivorous mammals, which include a quite wide range of different species across different subfamilies. The most popular ones are the ferrets, weasels, otters, minks, martens, and wolverines. And while ferrets are becoming more and more popular as pets, the wild ferrets don’t thrive as well as they used to. … Read more

Ferrets and Birds – Do They Get Along

Ferrets are one of the many natural predators of birds. They’re obligate carnivores, which means they thrive on mice, rabbits, birds, possums, and other similar creatures in the wilderness. If you plan on having both a ferret and a bird as a pet, you should be 100% sure you can keep them completely separated at … Read more

Ferrets and Chinchillas – Do They Get Along

Ferrets and chinchillas are very different animals and are best kept apart from one another. The reason is that ferrets are obligate carnivores and chinchillas are excellent prey for them. These two pets cannot get along and should never be left in the same room, even if they’re both caged. In this article, we’ll talk … Read more

Black-Footed Ferrets

Black-Footed Ferrets are also known as American Polecats and have been considered extinct in 1979. But they have made an incredible recovery in the last 30 years and are off the “extinct” list and back on the “endangered” list. More than that, the first successful clone of an endangered species was introduced to the public … Read more

Ferrets and Catnip – Are They A Good Match?

Catnip flowers

Catnip, scientifically known as Nepeta cataria, is a plant from Europe, Central Asia, and the Middle East that is widely known to get cats “high”. More specifically, it makes them roll around and become more hyperactive, which many people consider this as cats getting high. We will explore below on the effect that catnip has … Read more

Cutting Ferrets Nails vs Declawing – Which One Is Better?

Nail Trimming For Ferrets

Ferrets are known to love burrowing and scratching, which can cause a bit of a problem for owners that own lots of nice things. But with grooming and a bit of training, you can easily turn that behavior around and the ferret will find other ways to entertain itself. Part of the reality of owning … Read more

Can Ferrets Eat Bones?

Ferret on tree stump

Ferrets are obligate carnivores, which means they need a balanced raw diet to truly thrive. In the wild, they are known to eat their prey without sparing any parts and it’s recommended to mimic that diet in captivity as well. They are incredibly sweet and adorable animals, which is why many people have a hard … Read more

Will Ferrets Run Away?

Ferret near water

Ferrets are very curious little creatures. They absolutely love roaming and exploring as much as they can. This makes them impossible to let outside, alone, without a leash. Even if you’re around you should never let a ferret off leash as it can run away in a matter of seconds while chasing something. And unlike … Read more